Final Funeral Arrangements For Myrna Smith

Dear All: As I told you earlier today, the amount we had in Myrna's account (the account at Premier America Credit Union to which the fans have so generously donated) was $1,099.60 & I was hoping it would be enough to cover her cremation if we needed to pay for that. First I will tell you that neither Myrna's brother (John) nor her son (Martin) came forward to pay for Myrna's final expenses. I received a request from John to give him the money to pay for the cremation. I said I would only pay the money directly to the establishment providing cremation services. The total amount due to The Alpha Society was $1,110.63 - this amount covers cremation, pick up of the body, completing & filing documents required upon death, and the urn for Myrna's ashes. I made up the small amount we were short & left $9 in the account to cover a monthly service charge of $4.50 for Dec. & Jan. (there is a service charge only when the account drops below the minimum). ...