Priscilla Presley turns to say Hi to Ronnie Tutt during Concert - Elvis Week Fatigue?

Was it Elvis Week fatigue? This past Elvis Week 2022 during the big concert, Priscilla Presley came on stage with Andy Childs and his band. Priscilla (referring to Elvis' original TCB Band) turns around and says, " I just want to say hello to Ronnie….wow, they're not out here yet. Are they? No! Glen D Hardin is here? And Jerry Scheff is here?" While Andy is shaking his head to confirm. Apparently, Priscilla forgot that Ronnie Tutt passed a way. In October of 2021, Priscilla had posted a photo of herself with Ronnie Tutt and expressed condolences to his family on Instagram. This was the second time Priscilla showed signs of fatigue or memory issues during Elvis Week. Many of us have been to a big anniversary year for Elvis Week. All the running around from event to event, lack of sleep, no time to eat, it can make anyone a little out of it. On the evening of August 15th, Priscilla Presley stood on stage outside of Elvis Presley's Graceland mansion to spea...