Thank You, Thank You Very Much EPE!

During Elvis Week, I bought this EW 13 t-shirt. It was still in the shopping bag when I unpacked my things in Nashville just after Elvis Week. I took the shirt out to wash and noticed a hole in the back of the shirt. I contacted EPE who immediately responded with apologies. Sadly, they had no more shirts! They were completely SOLD OUT! So now I had to make the choice, return the shirt for a refund or keep the shirt with the hole. I needed to sleep on that one. It was a hard decision because I have every ELVIS WEEK t-shirt since the 10th anniversary. Well, I decided to return it. Maybe it was a sign it was time to stop collecting the shirts. So I went to the post office in Nashville & sent it back to Graceland. And then EPE contacted me, they had gone out of their way to locate another shirt for me. I was beyond happy! And it quickly arrived in the mail via UPS. So I wanted to share this with you all. EPE was extremely helpful, apologized and solved this for me immediately. I know I...