Mid South Coliseum Most Likely Will Be Torn Down

Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton was quoted recently, saying the Mid South Coliseum, which was the longtime site of major concerts, minor sports (indoor soccer), Memphis State Tigers basketball, and Monday Night Wrestling in Memphis, will most likely be torn down, along with the remains of the Liberty Land amusement park and surrounding facilities at the Mid-South Fairgrounds. Wharton addressed the future of the Mid-South Coliseum, which the city closed in 2006 because of the prohibitive cost of bringing the venue into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. “Although this is clearly a facility that holds a special place in the hearts of many Memphians, we do not believe that we have the financial wherewithal to make the necessary upgrades to re-open the Coliseum, nor is it apparent that sufficient market demand exists in Memphis for a venue of its size to be open year-round,” Wharton said. “Our intention now is to convene a public hearing to determine the best options for it...