Mary Tyler Moore passes away at age 80

MTM's longtime rep, Mara Buxbaum, issued a statement to TMZ saying, "Today, beloved icon, Mary Tyler Moore, passed away at the age of 80 in the company of friends and her loving husband of over 33 years, Dr. S. Robert Levine." "A groundbreaking actress, producer, and passionate advocate for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Mary will be remembered as a fearless visionary who turned the world on with her smile." Mary had been on a respirator for more than a week. She was taken off life support Tuesday night. For me, Mary Tyler Moore meant everything growing up. I would come home from school on lunch and watch the Mary Tyler Moore Show and Rhoda. Mary was everything I wanted to be. She dressed so smart, her hair was perfect, and most of all, she was an independent woman making it on her own. Just like my own mother. And this was something my mother told me all the time. I adored Mary Richards. The theme song to the Mary Tyler Moore show...