Riley Keough sports Anti Trump hat at Sundance

Elvis Presley's grand daughter and actress, Riley Keough walked the red carpet at the Sundance Film Festival Friday evening rocking a red baseball cap, reading, "Make America Native Again." The phrase — a play on President Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again" — was coined by a Navajo artist, who created the hats to help raise awareness for marginalized indigenous people. Keough, 27, weathered the weekend's heavy snowfall to promote her new movie, The Discovery, which premiered at Sundance. The sci-fi thriller, which co-stars Jason Segel and Rooney Mara, imagines a not-so-distance future in which the existence of an afterlife has been verified, causing millions of people to commit suicide in order to reach it. Keough plays a young woman whose father and sister killed themselves, leaving her alone and mentally checked-out. So far, The Discovery has drawn mixed reactions from festival-goers, inciting a couple of walkouts and a fl...