Priscilla Presley fires back at National Enquirer story claiming she has months to live!

Priscilla Presley rarely speaks out against crazy stories such as the recent National Enquirer story. We fans ALL know, it's THAT time of the year, Elvis' birthday is coming up and we also know Elvis $ells. The Enquirer took a story about something awful that happened to Priscilla and they spinned it totally out of control. I'm not sharing that story. It is ridiculous! This time, the story is so offensive, the former Mrs. Presley is firing back! Priscilla issued this statement, "For all those who have seen the recent "TABLOID" headline at the checkout stands that I have only 6 months to live please know... IT IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE!! These papers were always mean spirited in nature but ... this is a game changer. How cruel, mean spirited, evil and desperate for them to go to this level to get people to read their garbage. Shame on them and those that write for them to make up such an OUTRAGEOUS lie!!!" Priscilla Presley was a VICTIM of a...