Jerry Schilling talks about Elvis meeting Nixon (VIDEO) and my final thoughts - SHAME!
Here's George Klein interviewing Jerry Schilling on GK's Memphis Sounds tv show in Memphis, TN from 2009. About a minute and twenty seconds in, Jerry tells the story of Elvis meeting Nixon. It's sweet and passionate not comical. Jerry of all people could make a great historically important, serious and passionate movie about Elvis instead of satire. This meeting was so important to Elvis and I wish THAT was portrayed in movies and the media. Instead of making Elvis THE joke, Elvis' humor could have been featured. They could have had the audience laughing WITH Elvis and NOT AT HIM! We all have heard about Elvis' great sense of humor. It could have been done. Younger generations could have walked out of the theater knowing that Elvis Presley was THE COOLEST! He was not just A Rock Star, he was THE KING of Rock N Roll not a wimpy buffoon. Elvis isn't seen as a real person anymore. With EPE so focused on their hotel, Elvis is just the Mickey Mouse mascot of