Elvis' King James Bible On Display in New Exhibit @ Graceland

2011 marks the quatercentenary of the publication of the "King James" Bible in 1611. The word of God was a very important part of Elvis Presley's life, as he often looked to religious writings as a source of inspiration. Elvis always kept a copy of the Bible near him, and sometimes gave dramatic Bible readings to his family and friends. In the 1970's, he studied various religions and philosophies, seeking answers to questions about why God had chosen him to become so famous. Elvis' copy of the "King James" Bible will be on display in The Roots of Elvis exhibit, which is opening at the end of this month as part of the Graceland VIP tour. The exhibit will tell the story of Elvis' early years and the influences that shaped him as a person and music legend. Plan your trip to Graceland today to see the new exhibit with our free online travel planner! The King James Bible Trust has been established to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the "King Ja...