Lisa Marie Presley's Rep denies any wrong doing in latest Charity Accusation

The National Enquirer is reporting, The Presley Foundation , run by The King’s only child, had $26 in the bank to accomplish its mission of providing low-cost housing and helping the poor! “Elvis’ daughter has made a horrible mess of things,” snitches the informant. “She has sullied her father’s name and is destroying his charities!” In 2005, Lisa Marie sold 85 percent of her stake in Graceland and Elvis’ possessions for $100 million, but kept 15 percent of the empire. Sources say under Lisa Marie’s guidance the Presley Foundation had only $26 in cash despite $112,000 in assets, according to tax filings, while the Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation had only $59,588 in the till. A rep for Lisa Marie denies any wrong doing. But the family friend insists she’s at the center of the chaos. A search for Presley Charities brings you to this page, Presley Charity Foundation which is down. The links on Lisa Marie' s page do not work either, Lisa Marie Presley - Philanthrop...