Fire @ Cowboy Jack Clement's Home
This afternoon I got a very upsetting call that Cowboy Jack Clement's home and recording studio had a fire. But the good news is Cowboy, his family (including his cats) and employeess are all safe. "Thank you all for the love today. Seeing my Daddy watch his house burn down was the saddest thing I've ever seen. Seeing my Daddy free from harms way was the biggest blessing of my life. Everyone is safe, including the pets. His guitars were saved, a procession of 7 firemen rescued arms full of gold records and awards. The outpouring of love and respect for my father was humbling and beautiful. Thank you all." Alison Clement I'll bring you more on this story. In the meantime, please keep Cowboy and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We love you Cowboy! Back In Memphis Interview WIth Cowboy @ his Nashville home. Cowboy Jack Clement @ Million Dollar Quartet on Broadway The Nashville Fire Department believes an electrical fire that began in wiring ins