Elvis & Sonny
"Yesterday Katrina and I drove to Nashville to check on Sonny at the hospital. When we arrived we were distressed to see him. His color was gray, he had many cuts and abrasions and bruises and his hands, feet and legs were very swollen. His spleen was lacerated and his heart was not functioning normally. He is on oxygen and was in a lot of pain. The dr ordered a CT scan and afterward came in to speak with us. Sonny had blood clots in his lungs (pulmonary emboli) and in his legs. It was urgent that a Vena Cava Filter be put in place to prevent more clots from entering his lungs or his heart. We prayed with him, consent forms were signed and he was taken down. The procedure was performed immediately and his color began to improve. We were able to talk with him more until he asked for more pain meds. He is not out of the woods yet. The dr is unable to put him on blood thinner due to the spleen as a spleen bleed could be fatal, as could the clots. There is a possibility the spleen will have to be removed if it doesn't heal properly. The dr said that the fall actually saved his life as they believe the clots were there before the fall and had he not been brought to the hospital he would have died. Sonny asked me to thank you for your prayers and that you continue to lift him up until he is completely healed. He is anxious to get back to work on his movie Fame and Fortune. He is too sick to receive visitors or take phone calls (please) at this time, but if you would like to send a card to Sonny, you can send it to me at P O Box 161052, Memphis TN 38186. I plan to go back to Nashville soon as I promised Judy I would certainly be there for them when they need me. This is a very difficult time and I ask that you all please continue your prayers. I will update you as his condition progresses. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call me. Thank you and God bless you."
Sandi Pichon
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