Jeff Burton - son of Guitarist James Burton released from hospital!
Update on Jeff Burton - From The Burtons MIRACLES DO HAPPEN TODAY ✝️ ✝️ ✝️ ✝️ ✝️ ✝️ JESUS said, if you ask for ANYTHING in MY NAME,I will do it for you! John 14:13 TODAY JEFF WAS RELEASED from the hospital to come home in Nashville as an outpatient at Vanderbilt. Sept 1,2017 we were told he had 1 hour to live and then the next day he had 1 day to live. Now they tell us if he can get better he can get on the transplant list in 6 months. He is still very fragile but getting better everyday 😇 He is a MIRACLEMAN ✝️ I have to give all credit to GOD because he heard so many prayers with FAITH for Jeff. Thank You All For the ❤️ You have shown us 🙏 The Jeff Burton Family BIM : Please continue to pray for Jeff and the Burton family!