Updated - Unseen Photos Of Elvis In Detroit

Elvis Presley meets with five winners of an essay contest on May 25, 1956. Judy Fesenmyer (now Hayes), then 16, of Denby High is second from left. Directly to the right of Elvis is Diana DiGregorio, also 16, a student at St. David’s, and Joann Menegaz (now Borri),14, of Regina High. Do you recognize the others? (Photos courtesy of MRPI Collection) We now know the names of more of the lucky Detroiters who met -- and kissed -- Elvis Presley at the Fox Theatre during his first engagement thereon May 25, 1956. Dawn Buchanan recognized her mother, Delores Pipski, as the Kim Novak lookalike blond who Elvis has his arm around in the cocktail party photo. Buchanan alerted her mother, and both called The Detroit News. Pipski was Delores Miklas then, a record librarian at WWJ Radio, which was downtown then. She was often invited to backstage parties by her bosses, and as an Elvis fan was especially happy to go to a party for him at the Fox. She worked a whole day at WWJ, then changed in...