Newly Discovered Elvis & Jerry Lee Lewis Duet?

A guy named Rod Lambert from Nashville says he bought the tape over ten years ago at a yard sale ... and only recently discovered that he could have a piece of rock and roll history on his hands.

Lambert claims the full 30-minute version of the tape contains some pretty explicit dialogue -- and although Elvis doesn't say much ... according to Lambert, Lewis wasn't so cautious, saying things like, “If you don’t like Jerry’s peaches, then get your f**kin’ ass away from my tree."

January 2009 I found a box of tapes I'd had for over a decade with a recording marked "Jerry Lee, Elvis, Mack Vickery 1960." It's over 30 minutes of music and conversation at the home of Jerry Lee Lewis. Elvis was just out of the army.
Jerry welcomes Elvis, tells him he loves him and humbles himself saying " You beat em' all we can't keep up with you." Elvis picks at Jerry and agrees. They sing a duet together and then go into an impromptu jam session. Having career problems due to his marriage, Jerry pours out his grieving soul before the King and "plays his struggles". Elvis joins him in song. It's an amazing piece of Rock N Roll History and very candid. Dick Clark, Sam and Judd Phillips, Psychiatrist, Drugs, Women and Sex were just a few of the topics.
One of the foremost audio forensic experts in the world analyzed the recording putting it through 26 Voice Identification Analysis Criteria including aural and visual cues and the report came back positive for Elvis as well as Jerry Lee.
I contacted Sony/RCA and got a meeting with the Producer in charge of the Elvis catalog, he agreed it was Jerry Lee and it sounded authentic to the era of 1960, but he did not agree it was Elvis. " I didn't understand their decision, maybe it was due to the content which is x-rated at times, or for other reasons."
Due to the x-rated parts, I told Sony I didn't want to taint Elvis' image and didn't want to release all of it, just the duet. I asked if they would like to vault this tape, they said no, so I vaulted it at my bank. I also contacted E.P.E. and the response was the same, not interested. I was baffled. I felt like I was the only one trying to do the right thing. This could be the sexiest song ever sung by Elvis and the only duet known of between the two, it also confirms their friendship.
This is not a studio recording, they were at home and under the influence. The Audio Forensic Report says it is Elvis.   In Sony's opinion it's not.
AUDIO FORENSIC EXPERT - Tom Owen: President and CEO Owl Investigations, Inc. Tom Owen,is a member of ACFEI's Executive Advisory Board for the American Board for Certification in Homeland Security and Chair of the American Board of Recorded Evidence. Sony/RCA - Ernst Jorgensen ( Producer), Rob Santos  (VP of A&R), John Jackson

I don't think it is Elvis or Jerry Lee. But that's my personal opinion. What's your opinion on this newly discovered tape?


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