EPE Sends Out A Strong Msg About Elvis' 77 CBS Special Rights

EPE sent out these strong warnings to fan clubs today:

Questions on DVD Project:
We have received a few questions regarding a new DVD project that includes footage of Elvis' 1977 concerts, including the 1977 CBS concert. In order to answer those questions and because some of the Elvis fan club presidents include merchandise on their Web sites, we wanted you to be aware of our stance on this subject.
EPE owns copyright in Elvis' recorded performances, such as the footage in this DVD. EPE is also the owner of the copyrights in and to the 1977 CBS television special. Therefore this is considered infringement and EPE is in the process of taking legal action against the producers of this DVD.
As always, we request that official Elvis Presley fan clubs refrain from carrying bootleg and illegal product on their Web sites, or from promoting such bootleg and illegal product.

Question: Is EPE bullying the fans? What's your thoughts?


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