Elvis Presley Birthplace To Undergo A 6.6 Million Dollar Facelift

City leaders held a ground breaking at the place where Elvis Presley was born as it will soon expand 10,000 plus square-feet.

Project plans estimate to cost about $6.6 million including a theater, reception hall, walking trail, and other displays.

Two and a half million dollars for this upgrade comes from the Mississippi Legislature, a wise investment according to some of our tourism experts.

"For every dollar we spend in advertising and marketing in the state of Mississippi we get about seven dollars returned on that one dollar," says Neal McCoy, Director of the Tupelo Convention and Visitor's Bureau. "So this is a good sound investment we think will attract visitors."

"We're the number one tourist attraction for the State of Mississippi. The state tourism people realize that and they're not afraid to put money into a project like this," believes Executive Director of the Elvis Presley Memorial, Dick Guyton.

Records show in 2010, the birthplace brought visitors in from all 50 states as well as 50 foreign countries.


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