Major TV Documentary Mini Series on Elvis Presley In The Works! has exclusively learned that a major documentary mini series on Elvis Presley is in the works. This mini series will air on a major US broadcast network possibly in 2012. The documentary will air in several parts on consecutive nights. The documentary series promises to be THE ultimate docu-series on the life of Elvis Presley. The documentary will be like none we have ever seen before. It will include unseen footage and photos of Elvis as well as concert and movie outtakes. We'll bring you more on this story soon!

UPDATE: This Documentary has NOTHING to do with Red West and although EPE is not willing to confirm this documentary, I stand by my story and my sources. Now that their previous commitments include Viva Elvis have been completed, producers are currently shopping around for rare and unseen footage of Elvis Presley for this major documentary. This will a be monster project and my sources tells me they are definately persuing this project. So take it for what it is...believe what you wish. I stand behind my very reliable sources and my story. It may be because this project is in the very beginning steps that EPE does not want to confirm it. Who knows. This is an official documentary which the estate is behind and Red West has no involvement.


  1. Great news! I have bookmarked your blog and will check back in from time to time. I have one too just underway if you are interested.

  2. Although you mention that Red West is not involved in this documentary, I would like to see him involved in one sense. I would like see a point in any anthology type documentary on Elvis where Red and Lisa sit face to face and she grills him with questions as to why he decided to write "Elvis What Happened" and the like. If Elvis and Red were like brothers, brothers don't do that to one another. That could make for compelling television.


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