Joe Esposito's Wife Martha Needs Our Help & Support!

Martha & Joe
Everyone knows Joe Esposito as Elvis Presley's personal friend, best man at his wedding, and road manager. Joe is also a beloved member of our Elvis family. Joe's darling wife Martha has battled cancer. And unfortunately, it has returned. Anyone who has undergone Cancer treatments or watched a love one fight cancer knows how costly treatment can be. And much of Martha's very expensive treatments are not covered by insurance. We know what a kind, generous man Elvis Presley was, and if he was still with us, he would do anything to help Joe & Martha. So my friends, I am asking you to help in any way possible, either through prayer and positive thoughts for Joe & Martha. Or if you can, please make a donation. We have listed the link for donations below.
The Talbot Family Foundation is accepting TAX DEDUCTIBLE donations for Martha's treatments. Joe is also planning an event in Vegas for Martha's treatment.

Having watched my own mother battle cancer twice, this is a special cause close to my heart. Martha is a very strong and determined lady much like my own mother but she needs our help. So let's come together as an Elvis family and help, much like Elvis himself would do without question.

Megan Murphy

From Martha:

Dear Friends and Family,
What an ordeal this is. As you must know by now...UCLA diagnosed me with a terrible disease...neoplastic meningitis which is like cancer having meningitis. It is in my inner auditory canals so I am totally deaf which makes it impossible to talk to doctors on the phone or drive a car. They also found two lesions in my lower lumbar spinal cord. This is not a good diagnosis. I am starting 10 whole brain radiations which will probably cause short term memory deficits they said. I was supposed to have an Ommaya reservoir  placed in my brain for infusions of a chemo called depocyte but turned in down. ThenI went to New York to see a Dr. Raymond Chang of the Meridien Group. He gave me an infusion, a shot, and hundreds of pills to take. Very expensive and not covered by insurance. We'll see how that goes first. I am supposed to go back to NY an about 3 weeks for more of the same. It has worked on some of his patients that were in worse shape than me he said. This is just horrific. I've had many panic attacks throughout all of this, but I am coping the best I can. I am taking Lexapro for depression for the last 10 days.
I am going to see about setting up some kind of fundraiser to try to cover these expenses. I wish there were some other way to get rid of this disease, the option of the chemo reservoir is my last resort. They also recommended later to have whole spine radiation which would destroy some of my bone marrow. All these options, if I can get through them leave me incapacitated in some way.
Meanwhile, I am hanging in there. My son, AJ, is living with us during this time thank God. He has been such a help. Joe is travelling part of this month trying to earn some money. Anyone who wants to visit...come on. Anyone who wants to help out in any way, be it finances, transportation, airline tickets, clinical trials, great hospital and doctors and how to get me to them, pull or power to get things done quickly...thank you ahead of time.
I have the will to survive...I have a lot to live for still and I want to do and see so many things yet.
All my love,

Donations For Martha


  1. All the best to you and Joe, Martha. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.

    Most of us are happy to help you through this painful time.

    Please post how much money Priscilla has donated to help one of Elvis' close friends.

    1. I hope to God Priscilla helped Martha during her battle with Cancer that sadly conquered even her strong will to live in the end. Martha and Joe were together as one. Priscilla, Joe was always there for Elvis, which in turn Joe was also there for you. Anybody that helped Elvis as much as Joe, made such a big difference in Elvis's life that how could it not have affected anybody else close to Elvis, {in a good way, of course}. Elvis would have wanted you to help Joe and Martha,{as would have been done without reservation by Elvis, as well}. I'd also like to mention that anybody,{no matter who it is}, that has a problem with Joe making a few dollars on his memories of Elvis, needs to really sit and think about it. After all, even Priscilla and Lisa Marie have cashed in on Elvis's life by turning Graceland into a Tourist Attraction. Don't get me wrong, Priscilla did what she had to do to keep Graceland up and running and gave Elvis's Fans something to hold on to by being able to step inside Elvis's world at Graceland. What an honor! I've never been to Graceland yet, myself, but I think it would be great if as soon as one steps a foot in the door they would hear Elvis singing, "Welcome To My World"! Joe has every right to share his life with Elvis, therefore giving to the Fans as well. Joe built his whole life around Elvis and now needs to be able to get some kind of compensation in his retirement days, {as well as anybody that worked a 9-5 white color, or 7-3, on to 11-7 blue color Job}. Times are rough and recession is just a sugar coated word for Depression. To any of Elvis's Fans that haven't seen Joe's Documentary Movie, "Elvis, His Best Friend Remembers", you have GOT to SEE it! The ambiance in the room where Joe tells his Story is so comforting, you'd swear on a stack of Bibles that Elvis is in the room giving us comfort through every word Joe says..., I believe it's Joe's Living Room in his House. At the same time there are also surges of great energy in the Movie that you can feel running through your blood that lifts your spirits to the ultimate highs. Well, you've just got to see it. There's no other way to put it. We should feel as honored as we do about Priscilla opening Graceland to the Public. Joe gives us something so sincere about his life with Elvis, that we should all wish for Joe to literally get rich from his Elvis Documentary Movie,{at least as rich as his heart and soul that he put into his gift of sharing with us}. I bought the Movie and have watched it over and over, never tiring of it. In fact, every time I see it, I notice something in it that I missed the last time I saw it. It just gets better every time one watches it. God Bless Priscilla, Elvis, Lisa Marie and all of Elvis's Grandchildren. God also Bless Joe and his beautiful late wife Martha. Thank you for reading my article. From, T-Bird Judy, Alias Norma Rae and most of all, Gary's Girl.

  2. Priscilla could pay for it just with the potato heads she has sold

    1. Priscilla wasn't even mentioned in El's will. She has, in the past, earned a bit of money,but in no way has near their Daughter Lisa. I do believe Martha needs help and do not believe she or Joe should be asked to poist, "who gave what". I'm sure she wouldn't ask if not needed.

  3. I never knew I don't believe that Priscilla Presley was not mentioned in Elvis's Will. Well now that opens a new can of worms for me after all these years.


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