Caylee Anthony Tribute Song by Rascals Flatt

In light of the controversial acquittal of Casey Anthony, who was accused of killing her adorable 2-year-old daughter Caylee, Rascal Flatts‘ lead singer, Gary LeVox, co-penned a tribute song called ‘She’s Going Places’ to the little girl.

Country parody singer Cledus T Judd got serious, along with Jimmy Yeary, to co-write this piano-driven ballad. A Nashville demo singer also contributes vocals to the song. Country station KICKS 105 alerted us to the song, which the artists hope will spread virally.

Judd was reported as saying, “The greatest way to heal is to help, and that’s what we want to do with this song.” Both Judd and LeVox have daughters, which no doubt fueled their desire to write such a heartfelt and touching song. Sometimes pop culture watchers get so caught up in the drama surrounding the mother that they place less emphasis on that beautiful baby girl with the big brown eyes, so this song squares the focus to Caylee, and Caylee alone.

The song ponders all the things Caylee should be doing but will never get the chance to do. It opens with the lyric: “Just a baby barely two-years-old / A story that shouldn’t have to be told / See that little girl with big brown eyes / Stole our hearts and touched our lives,” and then addresses her hopes and dreams with: “She wanted to learn to play guitar / Be a ballerina or movie star / She could have gone so far.”

It’s such a tragic story, since she was taken from the earth at such a young age. The song goes on to think about Caylee riding her biking, laughing and playing with her dolls and games, just like all little girls should be allowed to do.

Once the song fades out, you’ll end up with a lump in your throat.

Source: Taste of Country


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