Kevin Spacey talks about Elvis and Nixon (VIDEO)

Kevin Spacey who plays Elvis in the latest trash movie about Elvis was on the Late Show last night telling the story of Elvis meeting Nixon. I want to note that Spacey claims the guards at the white house thought Elvis Presley was an Elvis impersonator. I never heard this before. And how many Elvis impersonators were there back then? Sensationalism at it's best.

Update: I have found that the guards said a guy who looks A LOT like Elvis Presley. To be fair. BUT the term, Elvis Impersonator, not known back then. Sorry.

Another thing I have noticed while promoting this film are the buzz words the cast uses to desrcibe Elvis and this historical event. These words include CRAZY and Bizarre. So now younger generations will laugh at this important event and think of Elvis as Crazy and Bizarre. Well done Jerry!

And to the fans who go and pay $$$$ to see this movie, in my opinion Elvis would be very hurt by this film because he felt so strongly about this and he would especially be hurt it was done by a "friend".


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