New Elvis Tell Alls.....Fans and Facebook

OK, so I am not mentioning any names or linking to any news sites because I don't want to give attention to ANY "NEW ELVIS TELLS ALLS" from so called "FRIENDS" or so called "FAMILY".

I have noticed since Facebook, SOME fans no longer care what certain people say about Elvis or projects they take part in that are negative to Elvis' image. They forget books, TV interviews, tabloids from the past.

Why? Because they now are FACEBOOK FRIENDS with these people.

I am so glad, I was part of the Elvis World when fans, Graceland employees, Elvis friends and family banned together and fought against any negative press or late night talk show jokes about Elvis. You don't see that today at all.

The Elvis and Nixon movie was a game changer for me. So many friends would talk to me about how hurtful it was, how mad they were. I got hundreds of emails about it. So many fueled my fire. But VERY FEW would stand up publicly and say how they felt. And their excuse was, well, I am facebook friends with.......

You know what? I am so very grateful to Elvis Presley for exposing me to many different genres of music, for giving me so many amazing friends from all over the world who I love like family, for giving me a community where I felt I belonged, for  giving me so many opportunities, and beyond that, so many memories and so much happiness. My loyalty is with him. I don't care about Facebook Friends, if they are so called friends of Elvis, So called family, ETAs, or Elvis Radio DJs.

My loyalty to Elvis comes first. You can excuse younger fans because, well live and learn. But the fans of my generation and beyond, we need to get that loyalty back and stop being star struck.

Who cares how many facebook friends we have!? Who cares WHO your facebook friends are? It's all about Elvis! Look how much he has given us! We owe him some gratitude and loyalty. Elvis was always loyal to his fans.

Will Elvis ever rest in peace?

When you hear these words coming out of your mouth, yes but I'm facebook friends I can't say anything. Remember you are putting THAT person before Elvis who gave us so much. And there is no loyalty in that. And would THAT person be as loyal to you for any reason? I doubt it. They aren't loyal to Elvis who they supposedly LOVED or worked for or currently work for, It's all about $$$.

We fans have to preserve Elvis' TRUE image, his humanitarian ways and all the wonderful things he has done. We need to pass the torch. And have future generations love Elvis for who he really was. We need to pass that torch in tact. It's not right now.

As long as we allow this negative press and say nothing because we are FACEBOOK FRIENDS with these trolls still making money off Elvis forty years later, Shame on us Elvis fans!

I was blessed to be part of the Elvis World in the 80's and 90's when Elvis' family, friends and fans worked together to continue the legacy and not allow the media to trash him. It's not like that now.

While other celebrities are shown compassion, Elvis is made to be a joke. Heartbreaking!

I feel really bad for the younger generations of Elvis fans. And I'd like that to change.I want future generations of fans to enjoy Elvis and not have Elvis' image tarnished by this nonsense. I want them to know what an amazing man he was. And NOT be part of an Elvis World, that puts, I am FACEBOOK FRIENDS with Elvis' WHATEVER before ELVIS!!!

Let's stop being narcissistic and remember Elvis. We want Graceland to be a tourist attraction for many generations to come. And more importantly, we want the general public to know what an amazing man Elvis Presley was. He wasn't a cartoon. He was a kind man who loved to laugh. He was very generous and enjoyed sharing his wealth with family, friends and even strangers. His charitable contributions are not well known. Stories about Elvis' generosity would bring you to tears.

But we fans have to stand up! We owe it to Elvis for all he has given us. We need to blast the media, radio shows, TV shows etc regardless if you are FACEBOOK FRIENDS with anyone associated with Elvis or others.

Don't fall for a sad story. Geez, we all have one. There is NO EXCUSE good enough for SELLING OUT ELVIS!

Don't be brain washed by media, or radio programs. Don't fall for the sales pitch. Your so called FACEBOOK FRIENDS have their own agenda. Think on your own. And if you think it's bad for Elvis' legacy, stand up and say so. Don't be afraid of your facebook friends. Can you now see how silly that sounds? I hope so.

We Elvis Fans have a duty to preserve his image truthfully. We ALL have to do our part. And if you're not willing, shame on you!

Elvis Presley Enterprises, Graceland and Elvis Radio needs to step up to the plate as well. All that FREE publicity for that awful Elvis and Nixon movie would have broke Elvis' heart. What a betrayal. And it's not even like any of them made a dime on it. Elvis didn't see a penny of it. Can you see how wrong that is? And bad business, most of all? They gave away FREE publicity and brain washed fans that  it was ok. Even though, it was bad for Elvis' image and legacy. That's so bad bad for their BRAND, ELVIS!

Like some Elvis fans get star struck with being FACEBOOK FRIENDS with Elvis friends, family and DJs. Those DJs and employees get star struck too. They twist it, turn it any way to sell it to YOU......but stop and think about Elvis FIRST.

Ask yourself this (without the twisting of history, without the pitiful excuses of why They SOLD OUT their FRIEND or FAMILY MEMBER)

Is it positive to Elvis' Image?

If the answer is NO, forget your FACEBOOK FRIENDS! Stand up for Elvis! He has always had your back, now have his. And let's make sure future generations, know the REAL Elvis and they enjoy an Elvis World like we have! Let's keep the legacy of Elvis Presley going! TCB with TLC!

I love you guys!

Megan Murphy


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