Linda Thompson shares Presley family secret - Elvis' beloved Mama, Gladys was illiterate!

Linda Thompson reveals a PRESLEY family secret in her new book, A Little Thing Called life.

Linda says Elvis confided in her that his beloved Mama, Gladys Presley could not read or write.

Gladys was illiterate, according to Elvis' one time girlfriend.

Linda says, "Elvis told me his mother could not read or write, and that when people asked her for her autograph after he became famous, she could have only signed with an X, but she didn't want to do that."

Linda said Gladys would just slip off in a back room to cover for herself. Once out of sight, she had someone write her name for her.



This is something I never heard before. And honestly, I'm not sure I needed to know this.

Look, EVERY family has secrets. And LOYAL families keep those secrets in the family.

Elvis loved his Mama more than himself. I seriously doubt he would want us to know this.

I think this would hurt him very much.

And honestly, this isn't hers to tell. She is NOT a Presley.

Elvis told her this in confidence.

And knowing how much Elvis loved his way should this have been repeated.

For me personally, this was one of the worst things told in this book.

There are many delightful stories in this book.

A few things I don't think needed to be said but it's Linda's story to tell.

In this case, it wasn't her place. In my opinion, Elvis would be hurt by this.

Yes, it's understandable especially the time Gladys came up in but still......if your family has secrets, you know!

And people today do not have the PRIDE of generations past. And that's a sad thing.

None of Elvis' FAMILY, guys or girlfriends who knew Gladys ever said a thing like this.

So while I am not saying Linda is fibbing, I am saying they knew it was not to be said as it would hurt Mrs. Presley and Elvis deeply.


  1. Agreed. This was absolutely not anyone’s place to reveal or talk about in a book, Especially a girlfriend who was brought into the fold thinking she could be trusted.


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