Ugly Elvis star Michael Shannon talks about Elvis and Nixon

 Michael Shannon, or as one of my friends calls him, UGLY ELVIS gave an interview to USA TODAY.
Here is part of it.

Preparing for the movie, which retraces Presley's 1970 meeting with President Nixon (played by Kevin Spacey), Shannon knew exactly what he didn't want to do: An Elvis impersonation. Presley's old colleague and confidante Jerry Schilling, who served as executive producer (and is represented as a character), warned the actor against such an approach.

 "Jerry said, 'People don't know my friend as well as they think they do,' " says Shannon. Though he's tall and striking, with prominent blue eyes, Shannon's strong features hardly recall Presley's prettiness. But the actor's nuanced performance suggests the softer feelings and self-consciousness underlying the rock icon's blazing charisma.

"The shake, rattle and roll — that all came out of being nervous," Shannon notes. "Early on, (Presley) would be jittery before going onstage, scared out of his mind. Then he realized people responded to that."

 WAIT, here is the kicker of it all...... Shannon adds, "It would have been interesting to see Elvis in an O'Neill play. Jerry said that he loved acting, and wanted to pursue it in a more earnest fashion. ... Jerry had wanted, for so long, to see something more sophisticated about his friend, and that was definitely an inspiration."

Are you reading this? JERRY JERRY JERRY and MORE JERRY. Jerry wanted to see something more this supposed to be it? I am LMAO right now! A COMEDY DRAMA does that? Pure Crap!

I also heard fans are being told by EPE associates that they have to go see this film because Hollywood is watching and if this movie does well, they will do another Elvis movie. BS again! Another spin!

We Elvis fans are LOYAL to Elvis. Don't get it twisted! Please folks, don't drink the kool aid!

Do you think after this film which makes a mockery of one of Elvis' proudest moments and makes him look like a jerk. Or as the cast says, BIZARRE, RIDICULOUS, INSANE etc. that Hollywood would make a SERIOUS film about Elvis?

NO! Don't fall for it. If this does well, they will just make MORE foolish movies.
If you feel it is important to protect his image and his legacy, DON'T Go SEE This movie.

TELL HOLLYWOOD we fans are not SUCKERS! We wouldn't buy JUST ANYTHING with Elvis in it unless it's done RIGHT!

This is PURE SH&T!

Don't put a dollar in their pockets! Let's DEMAND Elvis gets the respect he deserves!


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