Should SiriusXM Elvis Radio be promoting Elvis and Nixon?

SiriusXM runs Elvis Radio at Graceland. The new film, Elvis and Nixon is a comedy about Elvis meeting Nixon. Many fans are up in arms about this film. Elvis Presley Enterprises has no involvement in the film. Elvis isn't even on the sound track. YET the movie is HEAVILY promoted on Elvis Radio. And the opinion is ONE sided.

Maybe they should change the name to Elvis and Nixon The Movie.

If I was running the show at EPE, there would be ZERO POINT ZERO promotion of this film. It is negative towards Elvis' image and there is not one dollar coming towards EPE. Promoting this film is throwing $$$ out the window. As long as Elvis Radio on SiriusXM doesn't promote anything else NON EPE, it saddens me they allow this.

This HURTS Elvis' brand. But then again when the company releases a comment to the press that Elvis isn't relevant in Vegas anymore, what do you expect? It's like saying our brand is dying. So question is then WHY sign a deal in Vegas at all?

Here's facts.

Casinos are a dying breed. At one time Atlantic City casinos made more money than Vegas. Now they are closing doors. Tunica is closing doors.

And lastly, another act at Westgate closed due to poor ticket sales.

It's NOT Elvis, it's YOU!

So I wish EPE used THOSE FACTS to Defend Elvis and THEIR BRAND. Instead of telling the public, Elvis doesn't sell or matter anymore.

Well done!

So why would the ESTATE of Elvis Presley SELL OUT on the king so quickly?

The business isn't about Elvis anymore, it's about Graceland and the hotel. Rumor has it, there won't even be any photos of Elvis in the hotel because of licensing.

Bad business. Look I really try to be positive when it comes to EPE, but allowing this movie which hurts Elvis' image to be 24/7 on their radio channel while Elvis doesn't even get a song.....CRAP!

Utter NONSENSE! And I think many people including SiriusXM and EPE associates are star struck hyping this movie, hoping to meet the stars, going so far to tell fans they HAVE to go see this film so Hollywood will see it as a success and do another Elvis movie.

BS! And If this crap sells, do you think they will do a SERIOUS ELVIS FILM? Nope!

TRASH sells! And as long as the fans engage, they win and Elvis loses!

Remember the early 80's tv movie, Blinded By The Light starring Kristy McNichols about a girl in a cult?
I'm thinking of the chant right now, Blinded by the light! Blinded by the light!  Don't fall for it folks!

Don't drink the Kool Aid.

Elvis would be VERY HURT by this film. This event meant so much to him.

The media spin continues on Elvis Radio and everywhere else. Fortunately, Elvis fans are LOYAL to Elvis and  we are not stupid. We won't fall for the spin!  This is CRAPOLA!

EPE has always guarded and protected Elvis' image and I never thought I would see this day when they stopped:(

The ETAs....Not all like it but you get the fact, it brings in so much $$$$ to the estate.

This movie SELLS OUT Elvis and brings in NOTHING to the the estate! It damages his image and their brand!

Remember the days George Klein and Richard Davis headed up the campaigns to boycott this nonsense?

And we fans rallied together to protect Elvis?

Not anymore!

My heart hurts......I am so sorry Elvis!


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