Has Lisa Marie Presley entered Rehab?

The National Enquirer claims the 48-year-old has entered rehab and is seeking treatment for drug and alcohol addiction at a Los Angeles facility.

A source told the Enquirer that Lisa Marie has spent $400,000 on a 'private detox team'.

The insider alleged: 'Lisa Marie just fell off the wagon over the past couple of years and needed serious help in getting her life back on track again.'

Lisa is allegedly receiving visits from her mother Priscilla every day, and the source said she 'has the full support of her friends and family.'

The insider added to the Enquirer: 'It's not going to be easy, but Lisa Marie is determined to get back on track.'

BIM: There is always "some" truth to these reports but here's what I think, it's not Lisa who is in rehab. Let's remember someone else had a heart issue in Franklin, TN months ago. And Lisa is seeking full custody of her children with supervised visits to her spouse.

Lisa would not be seeking this if she was the one with issues.

Lisa is very dedicated to her children and she would do anything to protect them and give them a great life. I personally do not believe it's Lisa who is in rehab.

I think if it's true she spent that money for private care, it was for someone else and to try to keep her family together.

This "source" must have needed the Elvis money, and it's the perfect time to sell a story to the Enquirer as Elvis sure sells! $$$$

Or it could be The Squirrrel Busters from the church Lisa left. They are famous for spreading lies and rumors.

Please keep in mind, this is a difficult time for Lisa as we are coming up on the anniversary of her father's death. Please be kind. Keep the family in your thoughts and prayers especially those little girls.


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