Legionnaires spreads to FIVE cases at Guesthouse at Graceland (Video) UPDATED

WREG Memphis - The Shelby County Health Department confirmed a fourth case of Legionnaires' disease. Health officials reportedly traced the disease back to The Guest House at Graceland's aquatics facilities.
Legionnaires' is caused by a type of bacteria that is found naturally in the environment and is contracted when someone breathes it in. The health department said many people exposed to the bacteria don't become ill.
The Health Department has asked if you stayed in at the Guest House between May 15 and June 26 and have experience coughing, shortness of breath, high fever, muscle aches, and headaches to contact SCHD at 901-222-9299.
Graceland also released a statement saying their "primary concern is the health and welfare of their guests. The issue does not affect the Graceland attraction and tours in any way.”
UPDATE - The department said in a news release Thursday that one more person has contracted the illness. The hotel’s pool and hot tub are temporarily closed.

BIM - This is something to take serious, folks! Although the Guesthouse is NOT the only hotel to have such an outbreak. The La Quinta on Millbranch also had an outbreak last year. And now is subject to a 3 MILLION DOLLAR lawsuit from a guest who traveled to Memphis to visit Graceland and contracted Legionaries while staying at the chain hotel. 
Less than a month ago, Legionaries killed one person and infected six people here in NYC. This is nothing to fool around with! But it is NOT UNCOMMON lately!
You just have to be careful regardless where you travel or where you stay. A few years ago, while visiting a sick family member in hospital, I got a terrible Staph infection. It was a nightmare! I was on antibiotics for a year and a half. And I have scars to remind me. Now I am super careful.
Germs can be deadly!

Here's a few things I always do while staying at ANY hotel even the BEST! 

Pack Clorox wipes! Wipe down EVERYTHING even light switches and door handles. EVERYTHING! Flying? Use these wipes to wipe down your tray and arm rests. Even wipe down your rental car!

Pack Zip Loc bags - take your TV remote control and put it in a Zip Loc RIGHT AWAY!
Think about the germs on a remote (especially if the hotel has pay per view, you following me?). People rub their bodies, noses etc while flipping channels. Remotes are so dirty!

I always take the sheets and mattress cover down and inspect for EVERYTHING - Bed bugs, Body Fluids, hairs etc. Report any issue!

Bed spreads, throw pillows, bed scarfs, and robes are rarely washed! Even the coffee pot, google it! Stay clear!

Pack your own hair dryer! 

I NEVER use a tub in ANY hotel EVER! Have you watched Hotel Impossible? The one rag for all? No way! I won't even drink from a glass! Not happening!

Always check the AC filter for dust or even wet carpets that is very bad could even be Legionaries. Please be extra careful if you have a lung condition such as COPD or Asthma. Or if you have a weak immune system. 

And don't let those rubber gloves fool ya! Watch people with those gloves on, They wipe toilets, counter tops, they handle food then scratch their face, rub their nose, access a register, handle money etc. Gloves are NEVER changed! Rubber gloves are NOT protecting YOU! 

SO....The Guesthouse might have been hit with this but they will solve the issue and I doubt it will happen again. I am sure whoever WAS in charge of cleaning the pool and hot tub will be replaced. At least, I hope so. And management will keep a closer eye on this issue.

Folks, just be careful WHEREVER you stay and take precautions to protect yourself and your health. 

Many of us have stayed  in hotels in Memphis that are very nice during Elvis Week but off season, they are bad news!

I tell it like it is, when I think EPE is wrong, I say it but when I think they are right, I say that too. I am not swayed either way. I tell you how I honestly feel always. And I think this is a very serious matter which management will handle but I also advise you to take precautions wherever you stay.

Be safe, be happy and Enjoy Elvis Week however you choose and wherever you choose!


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