$10 Cover charge for Beale St?

The Beale Street Merchant's Association is considering charging cover to get onto the street on weekend nights between April and October. Tentatively, the charge would be 10 dollars, but you get nine back in vouchers to use for food, drink or cover.
Ty Agee with the Merchant's Association estimates, on busy nights, roughly 1,000 people come to Beale and don't spend any money at all.
"We want people to come down here. It might get rid of somebody that doesn't want to spend any money and just hang out all night long and not do anything. Maybe make some room for someone that could," says Agee.
Locals and tourists didn't seem too bothered by the cover charge, as long as $9 of the $10 would come back to them.
The Beale Street Merchant's Association says the idea is under serious consideration right now.
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