Linda Thompson talks about Elvis' Sedation Diet

In March of 1975, Elvis begins a two week engagement in Las Vegas. Linda Thompson recalls Elvis was battling his weight. In her new book, A Little Thing Called Life, she recalls that one of Elvis' Vegas doctors decided to try a radical diet plan.

Elvis and Linda left the suite on the Vegas strip to go stay at the doctor's private home. Upon their arrival, Elvis put on his pajamas and jumped into bed.

Linda recalls, "Let's just put you to sleep now. The Doctor said, giving Elvis a shot."

Linda says she thought What? as she tried to fathom what was unfolding around her.

"Elvis had told me that his doctor was putting him on a special diet, but this was way beyond anything I'd expected. For the next two weeks, the doctor had Elvis under NEAR CONSTANT SEDATION."

"During this time, Elvis was in bed sleeping except for a few brief periods each day when he woke up long enough to go to the bathroom and eat a small portion of food. Then he was sedated again and went back to sleep. Apparently THIS really WAS THE DIET his doctor had devised for him."

Linda remembers how bizarre and unhealthy this was. But she knew better than to question Elvis.

Instead, she stayed by Elvis watching him sleep and checking his breathing. During the day, Elvis' doctor left for his practice. Leaving Linda alone with Sleeping Beauty, Elvis Presley.

BIM: That doctor should have been brought up on charges for this. Elvis put all his trust into doctors. And some took advantage of him, all for $$$ and not the oath they swore to. SHAMEFUL!


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